I decided to write a letter to my 15 year old self, here goes.
Dear 15 year old me,
I know that today is difficult and all you want to do is fit in, be pretty and thin and have fun (oh and that boy to ask you out). School work seems pointless and Mom & Dad seem totally stupid. Here is some wisdom gained by your 43 year old self......
Love fearlessly, but honestly. Don't let anyone put you down, hold you down or make you feel smaller than you are. You are beautiful. You are kind. You are smart. You are important. If you don't take care of yourself no one else will!
Family is the most important support system you will ever have, make it strong, make it a priority and it will never fail you. Always, always, always treat others the way you would want to be treated. Never never never judge someone else. Everyone is fighting their own battles (and most of them you will never see) so be of kind heart.
Be open to new experiences but not afraid of them. Laugh more, love more, dance more. Not everyone will agree with decisions you make, but if you made them for the right reasons (and only you will know if you did) then stand by them. If you didn't then it's never to late to change your mind - EVER!
When you become a mom (and you will) everything your parents ever did for you will take on a new meaning and importance. You will understand why they did everything they did and finally appreciate them and all they did for you! And that will make you an amazing mom (even though at times you will question this).
I love you - life will be beautiful if you only stop to smell the flowers, dance in the rain, and laugh often.
43 year old me
What would you tell your 15 year old self if given the chance?