If you could be a "fly on the wall" at your memorial service, what would you hope to hear people say about you, your life, your death?
She was such a loving mother (well were you?)
She gave so much of herself to others she didn't take good enough care of herself (well did you?)
I wish I would've told her more often how much I loved her (why didn't you?)
This brings up another question.....What do you say at a memorial service?
Sorry for your loss
She was taken from us too soon
It's a tough thing, wanting to say the right thing but not having any idea what that "right thing" is. Sometimes saying nothing at all is the right thing to say. Just being there, physically & emotionally. A hug, a smile, a tear or just a shoulder.
The only wrong thing to do is nothing.
My favorite reason for doing nothing is: "they don't do funerals"...WHAT THE HELL does that mean? no one wants to "do" a funeral. Grow up, man up, get a pair!
Sometimes doing what is right is the hardest thing to do, but that's what makes it the most important thing to do!