Wednesday, February 6, 2013

CHL...what's that?

Today I went in for my concealed handgun license appointment at the County Sheriff's office.

Yes I am getting a license to conceal/carry a handgun.  I do not plan on being a gun toting Annie Oakley, but if I want to carry my handgun (my Smith & Wesson 38) then legally I can.
I will not apologize for this decision nor do feel I have to explain or justify this decision to anyone.  

What people need to remember is:

~ just because you can doesn't mean you should~

This little gem can be applied to a lot of areas of our lives and if we all were to just take a moment to think before we act or say something - the world would be a lot nicer place to live.

So back to my story - I went to the Sheriff's office expecting to have to go through security - like when I had jury duty at the Courthouse - or even the airport.  NOPE!  nothing - I walked right by the "information officer" and into the building.  I need to point out here that it is a beautiful new building with marble stairs and a nice tribute to fallen officers.  I went straight to the cashier's office, paid my fee ($65 for those who are curious) and headed upstairs to the Concealed Handgun License office.  Once there they pulled my application, confirmed my passport, ID and certificate of CHL class (which is a whole other story), I was photographed, fingerprinted electronically (no more messy ink pad) and sent on my way.  My license should arrive in the mail in 3-4 weeks, as long as I pass the background check, which is a bit strange - what if I don't pass?  Will they tell me why?

Now the "whole other story".  We (the hubby and I) attended the required CHL class offered at a gun show a few Saturday's ago.  The class was totally packed (this was after the NewTown school shooting) with about 50 people.  Honestly it was not what I expected at all.  We paid $35/pp to take the class and were supposed to learn:

  1. Basic Handgun Safety
  2. Oregon laws on weapons and deadly force
  3. Self-defense principles and defensive mindset
  4. Concealed carry equipment and techniques
Basic Handgun Safety - well that my friends is NOT what we got.  Going to the range and shooting with my Dad gave me WAY more safety information and instruction.  Really they just talked about common sense things that if you didn't already know well then you SHOULD NOT have access to a gun (in my opinion)!

In fact there were a few people (based on the questions they asked) that DEFINITELY do not need a concealed handgun permit!  They don't even need to own a gun!

Be safe out there my friends~~

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