Wednesday, May 29, 2013

When is a friend a friend?

What are your expectations of a friend?  How do you define friendship?  Everyone, I am sure, has differing views and opinions on this.  Let me share mine (which have evolved over time and I am sure will continue to do so).

Expectations - I've learned the hard way that having expectations of your friends will only end in disappointment.  However I continue to have them, I guess I'm a slow learner.  Really I have only one expectation - that when I've spent time with a friend I leave in a better "place" than when I arrived and that I leave refreshed rather than drained.

Defining friendship is a difficult thing to do.  I believe that people are brought into our lives at different times for different reasons.  Sometimes friends come back after being gone for awhile and sometimes they stay forever, and still others are here for a short while then gone forever.  But each of our friends has something to give us, insight to share with us and support to give us.

I try very hard to be the type of friend I would want to you?

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