One of my friends recently challenged herself to 28 days without repeating an outfit. Her goal was to clean out her 3 closets. While I applaud her and want to be like her, I'm just not sure I have that much desire to. Yes I'd like to simplify my wardrobe (though it's pretty small compared to others I've seen), I'd like to lessen my possessions, unclutter, declutter, downsize - call it what you will. The big question is what's stopping me?
Today I saw a news report about someone who didn't buy anything new for an entire year (with the exception of toiletries and medicines). An ENTIRE YEAR? that's just plum crazy! I guess I could probably do that for 6 months, but 12? I'm not so sure.
I get the premise - to challenge yourself outside of your comfort box.
American's are the Queens & Kings of over consumption...I get it! But I love my Ugg boots that keep my toes toasty in the winter and my Dooney & Bourke handbags that last for years (literally I've had one for 7-8 years now and it still looks great)! Maybe the lesson here is to have a few quality items or a lot of poor quality items - they last longer and in the long run end up costing less because you are able to use them for a longer period of time.
Do I need to challenge myself to something? If that's what I'm going to do then I want to make it something positive about when someone asks me "how are you today" I'll answer "I can't complain" remind myself that things could ALWAYS be worse and really what do I have to complain about?
But that seems rather lame compared to "28 days of no repeating outfits" or not buying anything new for a year. I'm still stuck on how that works.
What do you think? Challenge or not?
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Thursday, August 14, 2014
the power of words
Imagine a world where the words you speak appear on your skin.
Would you be more careful of what you say?
Artist Ronit Bigal.
The written word provides some sense of anonymity. I personally find it easier to express my thoughts and feelings in written form than verbally. When I try to speak, my brain moves faster than my mouth and it all comes out wrong. I can practice, I can recite, I can use note cards but still it's not as eloquent or professional as when I write.
Words can build someone up or tear someone down.
Words can inspire or deflate.
Words can hurt.
Words can heal.
But you can never take them back,
there is no delete button,
no recall email button, no cancel text button.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
we all have that ONE friend.....
I had a work meeting today with someone who is helping my company with our volunteer activity this fall. I spent over an hour with her and left the meeting feeling refreshed, supported, listened to and genuinely cared about.
I decided this is someone I want to hang out with more often and introduce T (husband) and A & M (children) to. Someone they can gain positive experiences from knowing!
We were talking about advice (my daughter is 16 and her's is 9) for the mom of a girl, you know - sex, dating....all of it. She shared advice her mother gave her and it literally moved me to tears. I hope I get this right:
Thank you 'big fella for spending time with me an opening your life to me.
I decided this is someone I want to hang out with more often and introduce T (husband) and A & M (children) to. Someone they can gain positive experiences from knowing!
We were talking about advice (my daughter is 16 and her's is 9) for the mom of a girl, you know - sex, dating....all of it. She shared advice her mother gave her and it literally moved me to tears. I hope I get this right:
Everything in life is a phase and every phase will pass.
If you're in a difficult or sad phase, hang in there because it will pass.
If you are in a happy, fun phase, enjoy it because it will pass.
How profound an moving, this woman who I don't know and will never have the opportunity to meet (she is no longer with us) touched my heart today.
Thank you 'big fella for spending time with me an opening your life to me.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Special Day
Yesterday my DD *dear daughter* turned 16....what a special day for her and I wanted to do everything I could to make it extra special. For the last 8 years we haven't had her home on her birthday, she attended a camp every summer the same week. Now she's a full blown counselor at that camp and turned 16 the day we picked her up. The specialness started by bringing 40 cupcakes for the camp counselors & staff to enjoy for her birthday. When we pulled in the driveway from camp she was greeted with a Happy Birthday sign above the garage door. Of course she ran upstairs to "check" on her room - she missed it I guess and opened the door to approximately 275 balloons.......
By far my favorite was the "rock jar"...I asked family and friends to send me a small rock with words of wisdom, advice, memories on it and to sign their name on the back. Her colorguard coaches, friends, aunts, grandma/grandpa (and even her co-counselors at camp and some of the campers) all sent rocks....she cried as she read them. Here are photos of the jar and some of the rocks.....
By far my favorite was the "rock jar"...I asked family and friends to send me a small rock with words of wisdom, advice, memories on it and to sign their name on the back. Her colorguard coaches, friends, aunts, grandma/grandpa (and even her co-counselors at camp and some of the campers) all sent rocks....she cried as she read them. Here are photos of the jar and some of the rocks.....
Friday, August 1, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Doing the "right" thing......
If you could be a "fly on the wall" at your memorial service, what would you hope to hear people say about you, your life, your death?
She was such a loving mother (well were you?)
She gave so much of herself to others she didn't take good enough care of herself (well did you?)
I wish I would've told her more often how much I loved her (why didn't you?)
This brings up another question.....What do you say at a memorial service?
Sorry for your loss
She was taken from us too soon
It's a tough thing, wanting to say the right thing but not having any idea what that "right thing" is. Sometimes saying nothing at all is the right thing to say. Just being there, physically & emotionally. A hug, a smile, a tear or just a shoulder.
The only wrong thing to do is nothing.
My favorite reason for doing nothing is: "they don't do funerals"...WHAT THE HELL does that mean? no one wants to "do" a funeral. Grow up, man up, get a pair!
Sometimes doing what is right is the hardest thing to do, but that's what makes it the most important thing to do!
She was such a loving mother (well were you?)
She gave so much of herself to others she didn't take good enough care of herself (well did you?)
I wish I would've told her more often how much I loved her (why didn't you?)
This brings up another question.....What do you say at a memorial service?
Sorry for your loss
She was taken from us too soon
It's a tough thing, wanting to say the right thing but not having any idea what that "right thing" is. Sometimes saying nothing at all is the right thing to say. Just being there, physically & emotionally. A hug, a smile, a tear or just a shoulder.
The only wrong thing to do is nothing.
My favorite reason for doing nothing is: "they don't do funerals"...WHAT THE HELL does that mean? no one wants to "do" a funeral. Grow up, man up, get a pair!
Sometimes doing what is right is the hardest thing to do, but that's what makes it the most important thing to do!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
only when you are quiet can you truly hear
Have you ever just stopped in the middle of a task and listened? I mean REALLY listened? Try it....what did you hear?
The longer you listen the more you will hear. Try doing it at different places with different people, and encourage them to stop and really listen.
I think everyone should adopt this new version of "stop and smell the roses". Listen to your children tell you the story of their day, listen to your best friend's advice, listen to your loved ones hug you (yes there is a sound there). Most importantly listen to your heart, your breathing....listen to your soul, what does it say?
The longer you listen the more you will hear. Try doing it at different places with different people, and encourage them to stop and really listen.
I think everyone should adopt this new version of "stop and smell the roses". Listen to your children tell you the story of their day, listen to your best friend's advice, listen to your loved ones hug you (yes there is a sound there). Most importantly listen to your heart, your breathing....listen to your soul, what does it say?
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Do you ever wonder if the advice you give is good? Is it helpful or hurtful? Who am I to be giving advice anyway?
I have an old friend (not old age wise but old in the fact that I've known her for a very very long time - since early grade school in fact). We were college roommates for a short time, she married someone right out of college and settled down. At the time I was extremely jealous of her family and her love. At this point we lost touch. Meanwhile I went through a few serious relationships that ended in heart break. As well, I went through many lonely, sad times, however through those times I developed a sense of security and confidence. I learned how to be alone with myself, it wasn't easy, but looking back it was necessary. I will never again have fear of being alone, either physically and emotionally.
The reason I tell you all this is because this old friend is seeking my advice and I wonder if I am being helpful or hurtful.
We joke that she is going through now (post divorce) what I went through in college. The dating scene, the questioning mens motives, their intentions. I've come to realize that while I (hopefully) am helping her through her rough times and I am also reliving them through her. I feel the pain she feels, the uncertainty, and the doubt and I think it makes me a better friend and wife. I love her dearly and I have complete confidence that she will navigate this new path with dignity and compassion, with or without my advice. I feel extremely honored that she asks my advice, I truly do and I want to thank her (yes YOU) for being my friend and helping me be the best person I can be!
** approved for publication by "an old friend"
I have an old friend (not old age wise but old in the fact that I've known her for a very very long time - since early grade school in fact). We were college roommates for a short time, she married someone right out of college and settled down. At the time I was extremely jealous of her family and her love. At this point we lost touch. Meanwhile I went through a few serious relationships that ended in heart break. As well, I went through many lonely, sad times, however through those times I developed a sense of security and confidence. I learned how to be alone with myself, it wasn't easy, but looking back it was necessary. I will never again have fear of being alone, either physically and emotionally.
The reason I tell you all this is because this old friend is seeking my advice and I wonder if I am being helpful or hurtful.
We joke that she is going through now (post divorce) what I went through in college. The dating scene, the questioning mens motives, their intentions. I've come to realize that while I (hopefully) am helping her through her rough times and I am also reliving them through her. I feel the pain she feels, the uncertainty, and the doubt and I think it makes me a better friend and wife. I love her dearly and I have complete confidence that she will navigate this new path with dignity and compassion, with or without my advice. I feel extremely honored that she asks my advice, I truly do and I want to thank her (yes YOU) for being my friend and helping me be the best person I can be!
** approved for publication by "an old friend"
Thursday, May 15, 2014
"After a While"
I found this poem on Pinterest (yes I am totally addicted). It seemed to speak directly to me. I have always been a strong believer in making your own security, that everyone needs to be able to be alone with themselves and find peace before they can find it in the company of others. I thought I would share it, I hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Missing the "precious"
Precious is defined as: (of an object, substance, or resource) of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly.
Most of the time I think we become so wrapped up in the hurry hurry that we miss seeing the precious.
Sunday morning I was driving the puppy to the groomer, it was a cool morning with dew covering the ground. As I was smiling at the sunshine sparking the dew like little diamonds I happened to notice a momma duck leading her many ducklings across the dew covered grass, leaving a little trail behind. It was very sweet and precious, not something you see every day. I was thankful that I had been going slow enough to see them, had I not been running late I would've stopped and taken a photo. Looking back I wish I had stopped. I know that my groomer, Rachael would've understood and I am positive she would have appreciated the photo.
The perfect example of a precious opportunity lost.
Don't miss your opportunity! Slow down, you might be late for something but is that worth missing the precious?
Most of the time I think we become so wrapped up in the hurry hurry that we miss seeing the precious.
Sunday morning I was driving the puppy to the groomer, it was a cool morning with dew covering the ground. As I was smiling at the sunshine sparking the dew like little diamonds I happened to notice a momma duck leading her many ducklings across the dew covered grass, leaving a little trail behind. It was very sweet and precious, not something you see every day. I was thankful that I had been going slow enough to see them, had I not been running late I would've stopped and taken a photo. Looking back I wish I had stopped. I know that my groomer, Rachael would've understood and I am positive she would have appreciated the photo.
The perfect example of a precious opportunity lost.
Don't miss your opportunity! Slow down, you might be late for something but is that worth missing the precious?
Friday, May 9, 2014
Flashback Friday.....What do I really want for Mother's Day?
Flashback to a time when there were no cell phones, smart phones, tablets, desktop or laptop's 1987 (the year I graduated from high school).
If we wanted to contact someone we called them on the phone, on what is now called a "land line".
If we wanted cash we went through the bank teller drive through (what is an ATM).
If we wanted to plan a sleep over we did so over a few days time; calling on the phone, talking at school, checking with parents.
If we wanted money we did odd jobs around the house.
When our parents asked us to dust, sweep or unload the dishwasher we did so (I'm sure I grumbled but I can't imagine it was anything close to the gruff my teenagers give me, you'd think they are 4 and about to throw a temper tantrum).
We didn't watch television for hours on end.
We were outside playing, or reading a book.
We had a bedtime and no televisions, computers, tablets, cell phones anywhere near our bedrooms.
We had a separate phone "land line" for my sister and I (because my parents were tired of us tying up their phone for hours on end). I remember many times mid-conversation it was unplugged, that meant it was 9pm and no more phone. It's called a curfew.
We went camping on weekends, played board games together, had sleepovers, went shopping at the mall and saw many a movie.
I miss these times and the simplicity they brought. In fact when raising my kids I loved it when they came to me and said "I'm bored" response was always "find something to do" creative!
Don't get me wrong, I too have embraced the technology world. For my job my iPhone connects me 24/7 to my work calendar, email, etc. I Tweet, FaceBook, Tumbler, Instagram and text. I take my laptop on family vacations (thankfully iPhone SPRINT service in Hawaii stinks so I was untethered for awhile).
As an experiment one evening I left my phone downstairs to charge (rather then by my bedside). It was actually rather liberating. Email wasn't the last thing I checked before bed, nor was it the first thing I checked in the morning. The "ping" of a new Facebook message didn't wake me and random text messages didn't keep me up late.
I think what I want most for Mother's Day is a technology free day (well maybe not TV, there might be an awesome end of the world movie on).
Do you think it will happen? I'll let you know!
If we wanted to contact someone we called them on the phone, on what is now called a "land line".
If we wanted cash we went through the bank teller drive through (what is an ATM).
If we wanted to plan a sleep over we did so over a few days time; calling on the phone, talking at school, checking with parents.
If we wanted money we did odd jobs around the house.
When our parents asked us to dust, sweep or unload the dishwasher we did so (I'm sure I grumbled but I can't imagine it was anything close to the gruff my teenagers give me, you'd think they are 4 and about to throw a temper tantrum).
We didn't watch television for hours on end.
We were outside playing, or reading a book.
We had a bedtime and no televisions, computers, tablets, cell phones anywhere near our bedrooms.
We had a separate phone "land line" for my sister and I (because my parents were tired of us tying up their phone for hours on end). I remember many times mid-conversation it was unplugged, that meant it was 9pm and no more phone. It's called a curfew.
We went camping on weekends, played board games together, had sleepovers, went shopping at the mall and saw many a movie.
I miss these times and the simplicity they brought. In fact when raising my kids I loved it when they came to me and said "I'm bored" response was always "find something to do" creative!
Don't get me wrong, I too have embraced the technology world. For my job my iPhone connects me 24/7 to my work calendar, email, etc. I Tweet, FaceBook, Tumbler, Instagram and text. I take my laptop on family vacations (thankfully iPhone SPRINT service in Hawaii stinks so I was untethered for awhile).
As an experiment one evening I left my phone downstairs to charge (rather then by my bedside). It was actually rather liberating. Email wasn't the last thing I checked before bed, nor was it the first thing I checked in the morning. The "ping" of a new Facebook message didn't wake me and random text messages didn't keep me up late.
I think what I want most for Mother's Day is a technology free day (well maybe not TV, there might be an awesome end of the world movie on).
Do you think it will happen? I'll let you know!
Thursday, May 8, 2014
going grey gracefully.....
“My Redheaded Journey to Embracing the Grey”
~Jaci Spross
My hair was the color that some could only dream of having. I was proud of my hair and for so long it was
my identity – I was “the redhead”!
I started noticing those pesky grey hairs in my late 20’s and early
30’s. Then started the comments “did you
get your hair frosted”? One Christmas holiday,
after a few glasses of wine my mother and I decided it would be fun to cover
those grey hairs with home hair color, people do it all the time, how hard
could it be? Needless to say it was a
disaster that resulted in a deep plum color with darker roots and much lighter
ends. I later learned that it’s called
“hot roots”, that can happen when you drink alcohol while coloring your
hair. This left me with little choice
but to visit my local hairdresser for a fix.
From that moment on I joined the colored hair society. The beautiful auburn red hair of my youth
became a color I strived to achieve and had very limited success at. For the next 10 years I colored my hair every
4-6 weeks, there were times I thought about just quitting and going grey, but
everyone convinced me I was too young!
As I matured and aged, my kids grew up (now they are teenagers) I
decided I wanted something more natural.
I hated how much money I was spending trying to hold onto my youth, I
was constantly fussing out over the grey roots that inevitably showed up every
couple of weeks. After much internet
searching and internal contemplation I decided I could do it! What did I have to lose? If I hated it I could always go back to
coloring. My hopes were high though, my
father went a beautiful silver grey at age 35.
So with the hopes that mine would be as beautiful as his I jumped in
with both feet.
I began my journey on September 14, 2013 and while my journey has not
quite ended (I still have about 3 inches of blonde color left) my internal
struggle is over. I am what I am
supposed to be, I have found a freedom I never knew before, a freedom to be
“me”…the real me!
As you can see from my photo journey this process was relatively easy
for me. I am convinced that there are
two important things that made my journey so simple. 1) having a very talented hairdresser and 2) beautiful hair - I am truly
blessed with thick, white/silver hair – thanks Dad!
Here is my photographic journey through this process of
transformation. Not only did my looks
transform, but my attitude changed as well.
I feel more grown-up, more professional, more like a mom and wife (and
I’m still only 45).
September 14, 2013 I began
my journey with the support of my amazingly wonderful hairdresser, Trista! The first step was a drastic cut (from well
past my shoulders to above my shoulders) and the addition of a lot of blonde
![]() |
BEFORE 9/14/13 |
AFTER 9/14/13 |
AFTER - 10/24/13 |
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AFTER - 10/24/13 |
December 1, 2013 we added
more blonde highlights to just the previously colored hair, not the grow-out.
January 4, 2014 Happy New Year – we started off with just a cut, no more color will be used (hopefully EVER).
February 18, 2014 – just a status update photo….fading and growing out nicely. If you look closely you can see the grow-out line.
April 9, 2014 my impatience
is showing, I had it cut shorter than usual (the back is really, really
short). There is now about 3” of
color/blonde left on my hair, the rest (including the entire back) is all
These photos are striking to
me…..what a change.
I look at the photo on the left and I see
someone I don’t “know” anymore.
Good luck with your journey!
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Monogram Door Decor
I decided with my new front yard we needed a new front door "wreath". But I wanted something natural looking (to go with the new more natural landscaping and not the normal round wreath. While searching on Pintrest (yes I'm addicted) I found the perfect monogrammed jute letter. So after a visit to Joann's to purchase a paper mache letter "S", a roll of Jute Twine (located in the jewelry section oddly enough) and some felt for flowers I got out the hot glue gun and started wrapping.
It took about 3 hours total to wrap it all - the curves of the S were really difficult, I had to restart the last curve 3 times. I decided to let it be and just covered it with the flowers!
Here is the final product. I'm rather impressed with it - LOVE it! Hopefully it will weather okay, otherwise I guess I could hang it actually on the front door behind the storm/screen door for more protection rather than on the house next to the door.
I started the S by covering the ends with individual strands of jute - using hot glue gun.The felt flowers we super easy - there are a ton of tutorials on the web you can use.
It took about 3 hours total to wrap it all - the curves of the S were really difficult, I had to restart the last curve 3 times. I decided to let it be and just covered it with the flowers!
Here is the final product. I'm rather impressed with it - LOVE it! Hopefully it will weather okay, otherwise I guess I could hang it actually on the front door behind the storm/screen door for more protection rather than on the house next to the door.
I started the S by covering the ends with individual strands of jute - using hot glue gun.The felt flowers we super easy - there are a ton of tutorials on the web you can use.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Beauty in Nature
We have been in our home for 12 years now and have done very little to our front yard. We've been talking about re-doing it, however had no idea where to even begin. I wanted something naturally occurring, that looked like it belonged, not the red/white rocks or anything fake.
Enter "Everything Outdoors Landscape & Construction", after several emails, web research on plants suggested, quite a few tweaks we jumped in with both feet. The dear husband was a bit nervous, not knowing if he was going to like the change. But as you can see below the results are beautiful.
The dry creek bed is amazing and all of the plantings are low maintenance including a drip watering system which will cut down on water usage as well. In the next couple of years the plantings will fill in and it will be even more pretty.
Now I want the back yard done....honey?
Enter "Everything Outdoors Landscape & Construction", after several emails, web research on plants suggested, quite a few tweaks we jumped in with both feet. The dear husband was a bit nervous, not knowing if he was going to like the change. But as you can see below the results are beautiful.
The dry creek bed is amazing and all of the plantings are low maintenance including a drip watering system which will cut down on water usage as well. In the next couple of years the plantings will fill in and it will be even more pretty.
Now I want the back yard done....honey?
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Thursday, January 23, 2014
Going public......
My New Year's Resolution is to keep this blog more updated. At least weekly. I really don't think anyone is actually reading it, but I find writing it is a type of therapy for me so I'll keep writing it. I'm also opening it to the public....that's a big change for me.
First off my road to "going grey gracefully" is about 5 months in and I'm really enjoying it. I found that changing my hair color so drastically I needed to change my eye makeup a bit too and I can wear colors that before I thought looked too strange - like orange! I feel a freedom that I'm not used too.
This new year is bringing another change - we've decided to professionally landscape the front yard. I'll post before & after photos when it's done in a couple of days.
As well I re-arranged the front "great" room getting rid of (well it's in permanent storage at my friends house) our dining room table, the ugly one that we never used. So we have two sitting areas now and I'm loving them. My mom is giving us her chair & a half and I can't wait to incorporate that into our area as well! Now to just talk the hubby into getting a TV for the area for gaming for the kids....or better yet we can use it for regular TV and the kids can use the current family room TV for gaming.
Updates coming more often I promise!
First off my road to "going grey gracefully" is about 5 months in and I'm really enjoying it. I found that changing my hair color so drastically I needed to change my eye makeup a bit too and I can wear colors that before I thought looked too strange - like orange! I feel a freedom that I'm not used too.
This new year is bringing another change - we've decided to professionally landscape the front yard. I'll post before & after photos when it's done in a couple of days.
As well I re-arranged the front "great" room getting rid of (well it's in permanent storage at my friends house) our dining room table, the ugly one that we never used. So we have two sitting areas now and I'm loving them. My mom is giving us her chair & a half and I can't wait to incorporate that into our area as well! Now to just talk the hubby into getting a TV for the area for gaming for the kids....or better yet we can use it for regular TV and the kids can use the current family room TV for gaming.
Updates coming more often I promise!
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