Friday, May 9, 2014

Flashback Friday.....What do I really want for Mother's Day?

Flashback to a time when there were no cell phones, smart phones, tablets, desktop or laptop's 1987 (the year I graduated from high school). 

If we wanted to contact someone we called them on the phone, on what is now called a "land line".
If we wanted cash we went through the bank teller drive through (what is an ATM).
If we wanted to plan a sleep over we did so over a few days time; calling on the phone, talking at school, checking with parents.
If we wanted money we did odd jobs around the house.
When our parents asked us to dust, sweep or unload the dishwasher we did so (I'm sure I grumbled but I can't imagine it was anything close to the gruff my teenagers give me, you'd think they are 4 and about to throw a temper tantrum).
We didn't watch television for hours on end.
We were outside playing, or reading a book.
We had a bedtime and no televisions, computers, tablets, cell phones anywhere near our bedrooms.
We had a separate phone "land line" for my sister and I (because my parents were tired of us tying up their phone for hours on end).  I remember many times mid-conversation it was unplugged, that meant it was 9pm and no more phone.  It's called a curfew.
We went camping on weekends, played board games together, had sleepovers, went shopping at the mall and saw many a movie.

I miss these times and the simplicity they brought. In fact when raising my kids I loved it when they came to me and said "I'm bored" response was always "find something to do" creative!

Don't get me wrong, I too have embraced the technology world.  For my job my iPhone connects me 24/7 to my work calendar, email, etc.  I Tweet, FaceBook, Tumbler, Instagram and text.  I take my laptop on family vacations (thankfully iPhone SPRINT service in Hawaii stinks so I was untethered for awhile).

As an experiment one evening I left my phone downstairs to charge (rather then by my bedside).  It was actually rather liberating.  Email wasn't the last thing I checked before bed, nor was it the first thing I checked in the morning.  The "ping" of a new Facebook message didn't wake me and random text messages didn't keep me up late.

I think what I want most for Mother's Day is a technology free day (well maybe not TV, there might be an awesome end of the world movie on).

Do you think it will happen?  I'll let you know!

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