Friday, May 29, 2015

the sad state of affairs in our world

A couple, in a faithful, loving relationship for 50 years - sounds like something to aspire to.  Sadly they had to spend the last 15 years as father & adopted son just so they would have similar rights as a married couple (visitation in medical emergencies). 

When I first saw the title of this new article "father and son dissolve adoption to get married" I was horrified - WHAT?  But along the lines of things are never what they seem, this wasn't either.

I know many man/woman marriages that have ended in divorce, some rather bitter and hateful.  I know many same sex relationships that are healthy, loving and long lasting.  Who are we to tell someone who they can/should fall in love with?  You don't choose who you fall in love with, it just happens! 

Wise up America and realize that there are more important issues to argue about (the state of our failing education system, children who's only meal in a day is the school lunch, homelessness, gang and police violence).|main5|dl6|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D204006261

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