Friday, May 29, 2015

Reality Television - friend or foe?

Unless you've been living under a rock for the last week, I'm sure you've heard of the child molestation story regarding Josh Duggar - one of the "19 kids and counting" star.

This family publicly touts family morals, christian values and has lobbied for businesses to be allowed to discriminate against patrons based on sexual orientation.  Basically they would have us go back in time and progress.

***statement from Josh Duggar***
"Twelve years ago, as a young teenager I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends," Josh Duggar said in a post on Facebook.
"I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling."

***statement from the parents***
Josh Duggar's parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, who are named in the police report, also spoke out Thursday.
"Back 12 years ago our family went through one of the most difficult times of our lives. When Josh was a young teenager, he made some very bad mistakes and we were shocked. We had tried to teach him right from wrong," they said on Facebook.

I'm sorry, did you say Josh made some very bad "mistakes"....that's what you call forcibly fondling several minor females, including his own sisters?  some are calling it nothing more than curiosity but I call BS on that!  A mistake is sending a text to your mom instead of your boyfriend, or grabbing your child's lunch instead of your own as you run out the door in the morning.  Forcibly fondling more than one child on more than one occasion is not a mistake it's horrific!

I have never really watched the show and when I did see an episode I thought "I wonder what skeletons they have in their closet" we know.

taken from:

the sad state of affairs in our world

A couple, in a faithful, loving relationship for 50 years - sounds like something to aspire to.  Sadly they had to spend the last 15 years as father & adopted son just so they would have similar rights as a married couple (visitation in medical emergencies). 

When I first saw the title of this new article "father and son dissolve adoption to get married" I was horrified - WHAT?  But along the lines of things are never what they seem, this wasn't either.

I know many man/woman marriages that have ended in divorce, some rather bitter and hateful.  I know many same sex relationships that are healthy, loving and long lasting.  Who are we to tell someone who they can/should fall in love with?  You don't choose who you fall in love with, it just happens! 

Wise up America and realize that there are more important issues to argue about (the state of our failing education system, children who's only meal in a day is the school lunch, homelessness, gang and police violence).|main5|dl6|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D204006261

Monday, May 25, 2015


Stop worrying and concerning yourself about what others are doing and start focusing on what YOU are doing. If more people did this I am convinced our world would be one of peace, respect and caring instead of hate and judgement. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Decision Time

It's been month's since my last post - and most of my posting's have been tame and boring.  Maybe I'm just cranky, maybe I just don't care, but that stops NOW.  Let's be honest - most of us avoid confrontation, most of us avoid speaking our minds for fear of being seen as rude or bitchy.  That too stops NOW.

Here goes............................

The state of our education system is appalling!  Every parent, teacher, student, grandparent, human being should be horrified of what we are teaching our kids (or more importantly what we are NOT teaching them).  This is the future of our country, where we go from here, how prosperous we are, how technologically advanced we are, how safe we are will be in the hands of our children before we know it.

We (parents & schools) are not teaching our children
  • respect
  • common courtesy
  • giving
  • caring
  • honesty
We (parents & schools) are teaching our children
  • don't worry if you fail, you get a re-do
  • you have no money? no problem - just borrow it, then claim bankruptcy and you'll never have to pay it back
  • if you want something someone else has, just take it 
  • don't give money to panhandlers - they could get a job if they really wanted to
I have two children in the public education system - one is a Junior in High School and one is an 8th grader in middle school. 

Until the schools STOP teaching to the test and start educating our youth - and until the government STARTS investing in our future it all looks very very bleak from where I am standing. 

  A long time ago I learned that when you discuss a problem you should have some idea for a solution.  My idea (call it revolutionary)
  1. GET RID OF ALL STANDARDIZED TESTS (I know, just bare with me)
  2. GET RID OF ALL BAD TEACHERS (you know who you are)
  3. Classes are taught & graded on homework, tests and classwork - if you fail the class you have to retake it.
  4. After elementary school - the model should be
    1. if you pass the class you move on, if not you retake it
    2. you need X number of credits to graduate from high school
    3. once you reach X number of credits you graduate (PARTY)
 Make Middle and High School resemble college - no more retaking test if you fail them, no more getting 50% credit on homework even if you didn't turn it in! 

Now I have no illusions that this "plan" would in any form ever be implemented, there are too many people with the mindset "we've always done it this way" - which proves that educators are out of touch with the business that their students will soon be entering.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Think Out Loud Tuesday.....

'as you are.' says the universe.
'after...' you answer.
'as you are.' says the universe.
'before...' you answer.
'as you are.' says the universe.
'when...' you answer.
'as you are.' says the universe.
'how...' you answer.
'as you are.' says the universe.
'why...' you answer.
you are happening now.
right now.
right at this moment
your happening
is beautiful.
the thing that both keeps me
brings me to my knees.
you don't even know how
breathtaking you
as you are.' says the universe
through tears.

--as you are | you are the prayer

~Nayyirah Waheed