Friday, October 18, 2013

Teenage angst...

Teen angst - is that what we are calling it these days?  The life of a teenage girl (my lovely daughter is 15) is soooooo difficult.  I think it is much more difficult than when I was 15.  Let me put this in perspective:
  • we didn't have instant contact with anyone via text or cell phone
  • privacy was easier without Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram
  • we didn't post every aspect of our lives and relationships online for all to see
  • communication was done in person or over the phone or by the "old fashioned" passing a note in class
  • if we totally embarrassed ourselves (falling down walking across the courtyard between classes) no one caught it for all posterity with their cell phone camera/video to then post online therefore compounding the embarrassment
  • if someone wanted to know if we were in a relationship they asked, they didn't check Facebook

You could NOT PAY ME to be a teenager today.  Everyone in your business all the time, instant gratification - immediately available via text (can I spend the night with my best friend, can I go to the movies after school).  This instant gratification is going to lead us into the future that consists of a spoiled society where everyone feels entitled, I am convinced!

High School these days is much more free than I remember.  If I didn't turn in your homework on time I got a big fat ZERO, but today you can turn it in until the end of the quarter and still get a grade (and a good one too).  If I failed a test, too bad, today you can retake your test to get a better score. 

Life changes so very fast, just remember to slow down and enjoy it before it's gone........

Monday, October 7, 2013

My favorite season is here....

My favorite season is Autumn.  The colors, the smell of fresh rain in the air, snuggling in sweaters, jeans and boots, you just can't beat it.

This also means Halloween is just around the corner.  This year we are having another Halloween Party for the kids and their friends.  About 30 people will be invited (man I don't know what I'll do if they all show is the way cool invitation I came up with. 

Cool huh?  Now on to the decorating phase - that's easy - cover every piece of furniture with a white sheet/plastic/cloth and light candles.  Can also put white twinkle lights (Christmas ones) under the sheets and behind stuff for additional ambiance!

Food - that's going to be FUN!  Thanks to Pintrest I have a ton of ideas on candy, healthy snacks, punch etc......Can't wait to see what everyone comes as......I'll post photos too!