Monday, March 4, 2013

Sleep WHAT??? et duex

Part two of the sleep drama unfolding in my household.

As you hopefully already read about the observation part of my sleep study I won't bore you with too many details of the testing phase.  The testing phase is where they hook you up to all of the wires (yes AGAIN with the brain waves look) but this time they have you try all different masks and head gear for the CPAP which you get to sleep with while they play with the air pressure all night to find the correct setting/parameters!  

The CPAP is a "continuous positive airway pressure" machine that forces air into your airway so you can sleep without interruption caused by UARS (Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome), sleep apnea, snoring etc.....I'll spare you the details and just say that after a LOONNNG night falling asleep around 2-3am I now have a Bi-PAP machine.

I didn't know there was such a machine.  

The air pressure required on the CPAP to stop my UARS was about 11-12 but when I exhaled I would fight the pressure of the air.  At 3am they switched me to a Bi-PAP.  The Bi-PAP has two air pressure settings one for inhalation (higher) and one for exhalation (lower) which worked perfectly.

So I now have a  pink headband that holds a nose pillow (no kidding that's what they call it) on my face, that is connected by a very long tube to my Bi-PAP machine.  I kind of look like a Dr. Seuss character with a long snout. 

We've named the machine Edna, for some reason it seems to fit. 

Thankfully the puppy isn't bothered by the machine (it's actually quieter than my floor fan) so he still snuggles with me.  I on the other hand am having a hard time adjusting to sleeping with this mask's been almost a week now and I only woke up 2 or 3 times last night.  I'll keep trying - may need to try a different mask as the pillows seem to move around and then I feel like I'm suffocating and I think that is NOT the point!

So sweet dreams to all and to all a good night.................................

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