Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I've become complacent.  I've become lazy.  I've become boring.

I've been at the same job for 15 years, and when someone says "wow, that's a long time" - they truly have no idea.  My actual job has changed only once in the last 15 years, from an Administrative Assistant to an Executive Assistant.  While not many people will know what that means - it's easier but harder, rather than supporting a lot (75+) people, I only support one.  But at the same time it's a higher level of support as well as having to run interference with our Corporate office and at times play politics. 

So I did a little job searching today.  Not only am I extremely well paid, I decided I really do have a great job.  Flexibility to work from home if my children are sick, or if I am.  The ability to meet the appliance repairman, or cable guy during the day if I need to (NOT the Jim Carey type of Cable Guy either!).

Then I realized we all become complacent in our lives, our jobs, our relationships.  I think it's an inevitable evolution, but I also think once we become aware of it there are things we can do to reverse direction. 

Stop and smell the roses, laugh more, complain less.....try it, I know I'm going to!

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