Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Life gets away from me......

This is how life gets away from day you're folding the towels, watching the news and the next thing you know the dog has pooped in the dining room (and for some reason no one in the house but you knows how to clean it up), the soccer uniform needed for the game in 30 minutes is still in the washer, the doorbell is ringing and the daughter is crying that she's sick and has a fever.......

Sound familiar?  This was my weekend.

I can say that having a sick child coupled with the ability to work from home to take care of her provides me with the perk of extra time to clean-up the house and generally get caught up.

HOWEVER, when there are 30+ episodes of Criminal Minds taped to watch, and 4 episodes of American Idol Hollywood week to watch my best intentions are instantly derailed.

As of this morning - the laundry is upstairs - though still in baskets (that's an improvement from it being all over the couch downstairs); the downstairs is vacuumed; the new comforters are washed, dried and on the kids beds; the dishes are clean in the dishwasher (let's not talk about the dirty ones stacked window ledge high in the sink).

Remember to stop and smell the flowers....because sometimes they stink and you wouldn't want to miss it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Trust me, in a few years you will miss it! Kids don't remember if the laundry was done, but they will remember the bike ride in the rain or the walk to Wendy's for a frosty. Hang in there. There can be happiness in even the most mundane chores. Mom
